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Preparation Conflict Management Implementation Work process
Stream Restoration History & Culture Restoration Bridge Design

   History & Culture Restoration

Insistences of organizations involved on how to restore historical/cultural sites and remains
On how to restore Gwangtonggyo Seoul Metropolitan Government - To restore it on a place a little closer to upstream from its
  original location, considering practical convenience
Citizen's Committee - Ditto
- Some members insisted on re-placing the real one at its
    original location.
Cultural heritage experts (from their meeting on July 15th, 2003) - It is difficult to re-place the real one at its original location.
  It is necessary to discuss about it more with some experts.
Civil organizations - To re-place the real one at its original location
On how to
Seoul Metropolitan Government - To build a replica at its original place instead of moving the real one from where it was stored, i.e. Jangchungdan Park
Citizen's Committee - To place replicas of the stone rails of the real one on one of
the bridges nearby as a symbol of its past existence, as there
are some difficulties to re-place the real one in its original
place due to the differences in dimensions with the site.
- Some members insisted on re-placing of the real one at its
original location.
Cultural heritage experts (from their meeting on July 15th, 2003) - It is desirable not to move the real one from its present
location, as there is a risk of some damages and to place a
replica at its original location.
Civil organizations The piers of the real one are likely to interrupt the water flow in rainy days during summertime. It is expected that more than half of the members will get harmed, if an attempt to move it from its original location is made.
Excavation of cultural properties
  Period: Feb. 11 ~ Mar. 31, 2003
  Survey carried out by Korean Architectural Culture Institute of Myungji University
  Survey was made after removal of the concrete
  Removal workers were reminded of the need not to do damage any possible historical item.
Checking out the site
  Period: Sep. 30 ~ Dec. 10, 2003
  Carried out by: the Joongang Research Center of the Cultural Heritage
  Purpose: seeking for any remaining items of cultural value, seven sites of bridges, and sedimentary
    strata throughout the entire section
  Result: Remnants of the stone embankment on both sides of the stream, and sites of Supyogyo,
    Haranggyo, Hyogyeonggyo, and Ogansumun were found.
  Period: Dec. 11 ~ June 10, 2004
  Carried out by: the Joongang Research Center of the Cultural Heritage
  Site: 6 locations (Gwangtonggyo, Supyogyo, Haranggyo, Hyogyeonggyo, Ogansumun, and stone
    embankment near Mojeongyo
  Stone embankment Gwangtonggyo Site Supyogyo Site Haranggyo Site Hyogyeonggyo Site Ogansumun Site
Location City Hall ~
Gwangtonggyo intersection Supyodari-gil at Cheonggye 3-ga Near the Central Hotel Near Asia Arcade at Cheonggye 4-ga At Cheonggye 6-ga intersection
Size 467m 12.3m (L)
14.4m (W)
3.8m (H)
28m (L)
8m (W)
14m (L)
9m (W)
121m (L)
11m (W)
32m (L)
30m (W)
Stone embankments on both sides of the stream Piers,
abutments, and frame stones
Piers and foundation stones Foundation and bottom slabs Foundation and bottom slabs Arched gate and cornerstones
Restoration of historical/cultural sites
< Gwangtonggyo in 1906>
< Gwangtonggyo in 1935>
< Gwangtonggyo before the
< Gwangtonggyo after the
restoration >
< Gwangtonggyo after the
restoration >

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